Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Adirondacks.

I really want to go.
It is up in the mountains in New York and it is all wildlife-y. There are a bunch of lake houses and lodges all about, but here is my all time favorite picture from the adirondacks. Also, I found this collage of decor and I feel like it would be my perfect lodgy lake house style if I had one. Maybe one day, maybe one day.

ooh, ahh.

You don't have to have logs, moose heads, bear rugs, and an oversized couched to enter into the rustic lodgy design. Trust me, you don't have to compromise all of the feminine touches! Have fun with it and be creative...that is kinda the whole point of design.
Last week I got the new Elle Decor in the mail, and the cover is rustic, cozy, and has an abundance of texture. I am personally attracted to the neutral palette contrasted by the texture and accessories. Whoever the photographer was, props to them because the light through the windows creates real depth in the room.
Ya'll enjoy!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Louis Vuitton

So I was browsing one day and I stumbled upon this picture.
1. Let me just point out Ashley Tisdale's killer outfit.
2. The trunk. I love how she sophisticated the trunk by putting a glass tabletop on it. Probably a good idea too considering it definitely isn't cheap, and I would be the last person to set a sweating cup on Louis Vuitton.
I found a book online while looking for more pictures of his masterpieces...maybe one day, maybe one day.
Below is a picture out of Louis Vuitton's 100 Legendary Trunks.

Click here to view a video by Louis Vuitton featuring the book!

And just in case I haven't provided you with enough trunk eye candy:

Monday, November 22, 2010

Reminds me of you.

Dear Auntie Shannon,

I sure do hope you are reading this because this post is pretty much dedicated to you!

The poster says "HORSE SINS" and that fits you to perfection.

First off let me say that this is freaking ballin'! Love the contrast and the detail on the door.
Please, put a huge brightly colored horeshoe out front of your gate..tehe.
Do you remember those really high orange heels of yours oh auntie of mine?

I love you!

{Sea of Shoes}

Miss Kristen Bell.

I have lots of favorite things.
If you ask me what my favorite of something is I am likely not going to tell you any useful information because all things are my favorites. Nah, just kidding. It is actually because I have multiple favorites. A good example would be friends. I have lots of best friends, not just one best friend.
ANYway...Kristen Bell is one of my faves. I am kinda addicted to Veronica Mars (kinda would be an understatement). For one, she is sarcastically hilarious and she is one of my fashion icons. She is very classic. Solids, neutrals, with pattern and some glitz and glam every now and then. Well her house matches. Now I love things about her house, but I, unlike sometimes, don't want to copy the whole thing. So let me inform you on her awesomeness.

Modern meets traditional. The high points of this room that are calling my name right off are the color of the wall/the pattern on the ceiling and the mixing and matching of the chairs at the table. I chairs at the ends of the
table are to dies for. One other thing I just noticed is the dark hardwood. I think one of the many reasons that this is working is because of the white trim that breaks one dark color to the next. This way is isn't dark floor, dark wall, dark ceiling. We have a breather moment. 
I like the concept of the open shelving, but if it were me I would be worried I would knock something off the wall when walking by, but I suppose if you are Kristen Bell, you could afford to replace it. 

BAM! Pattern on the ottoman. I WANT IT.
Oh and I like her dress, bot sure I could pull it off though.

I would be afraid my couches would get rained on or my pillows would blow away??


Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Technically I should be studying for my Textiles test that I have in the morning, but I just woke up from a nap and my mind isn't fully working yet. Hence the blog. Sorry if it sucks.
Today is the third day of my sugar cleanse (exactly what it sounds like...NO SUGAR). Well through all of this, I realized how much of a foodie that I am and what a serious sweet tooth that I have. ugh. Only four more days to go. Well I stumbled onto this blog post about Emerson of EmersonMade and her home. I found a picture of her pantry, and as much as I would love to be this healthy all the time, I am OBsessed with sugar. So my pantry could never look like this...even though it is super cute.

Cute, right? All organized and everything. I probably couldn't keep mine this clean even if I wanted to.
In her little interview-ma-deal she said they don't eat any processed food, and hardly any sweets. No sir-ree (you know what I am tryin to say, don't laugh at me 'cause I am pretty sure you have never tried to spell that out before. That or I never got the memo on how to spell it)!!

Alright. Time for my second OBsession.

This practically fits my style to a T, and I want it. It is mismatched and maximalized without being over cluttered, still remaining feminine, and of course is casual sophistication. I can only dream of coming back to a place like this. Only one change though. You see, I follow way too many shows for my own good, so that super painting over the fireplace would need to be a tv, no matter how bleh that may look aestheticly.

Alright. Off to study some more, but my motivation will be that Thanksgiving is just around the corner!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

bad day anyone? going once, going twice, SOLD!

I thought this EmersonMade flower captivated my mood very well.
Ok...maybe it is a tad more optimistic than me currently, but as it says...
