Sunday, December 26, 2010

As of Now

For a while now I have been stumblin' around and about, bouncing off ideas and such of what I would like my style to be. I love the whole bohemian thing a lot, a lot. Mismatched prints and textures, bold colors, very over the top vintage, get the gist. BUT I have come to the conclusion that it is just not me. You see, I have a story.
Once upon a time, nah. So the way I dress really does reflect my style in decorating/styling. One of my roommates has all this pattern and color in her wardrobe (which she pulls off very well...all things indie-esque) and I kept getting frustrated by the major lack of color and pattern in mine. It basically consists of neutrals, solids, and stripes. Awesome, I know.

Random thought: my computer is screwing with me. The cursor keeps randomly jumping around and my sentence ends up in the middle of a previously written word. Driving me mad.

so. I go shopping and before I even put the car in park, I tell myself I will buy pattern. Guess what I bought? A navy blue thermal, and a gray sweater. No pattern and the same colors I already own.
I have discovered that no matter how much you may like a specific style, it might not be YOUR actual style. Get it? I love bohemian modern, but no matter how hard I try, I always have an unexpected end result. I am over it. No hard feelings. I actually love MY style.
I saw this quote in Rue Magazine and it said "refined, yet unfussy" and I think that really encompasses me. I have very expensive tastes (screw it) and very tailored to the point of preppy I suppose, but I still have a knack for all things vintage and feminine. Set me loose in a thrift store or flea market and I could go wild. I also like modern stuff more than I though I would (Ikea and West Elm).

I guess the whole point of this intriguing post is for me to inform you that, as of now, the style of this blog may take a turn (not necessarily for the better, but just for the different), and that I may need to change the tagline under my title too.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas!

Monday, December 6, 2010

It's kind of a rockin movie.

Yes, I should be studying for my finals...but my brain hurts. (you can't see it because I fixed it, but I spelled brain "brian")
So I was just chillin and realizing how heavy my eyelids were getting so I opened up my email because on occasion I feel rather important when I check it, I had 35 inboxes granted half of them were junkmail and from organizations I am a member of but not presently active in. That didn't last very long, so I got on facebook, but noone loves me, that or they are all being better peeps than me and actually have their face in a book, so I started checkin out my pics and BAM I have something to do.
I looked at this picture and immediately wanted to watch "Anne of Green Gables" (is that right to put it in quotes)...

Meet modern day Anne. Do you see it. I hope you see it. If not, flip the computer upsidedown and should then.

This is a bedroom out of the movie. It brings back the memories. I love this movie. Totally watching it over Christmas break (so mom, get it ready because we are having a MOVIE NIGHT or nights because they are kinda long).
I have the doll and the book and the movie, so I guess you could call me a big fan. OH and I answered a final jeopardy question about the house once...correctly. It is such a charming house. I mean it might not be my first choice -- my first choice would be a Georgian style house (that is an English style and I should be making an outline for my Historical design class right now, but duty calls almost as much as my bed...baha I wish!).
Sorry for so much rambling.

If you have a liking for movie sets and the designs used on those, visit my friend, Katie's blog Reflections from a Coffee Mug. That's not all she blogs about, but just one I particularly liked.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010