Wednesday, August 18, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things...

Alright. Well, this isn't one of the "things" that I going to talk about, BUT I have this in my "favorites" binder and it is pretty much my dream living room (except with a cowhide rug and ix-nay on the coffee table, kinda weirding me out).
The sofa has the lived in and comfy look which is totally necessary if it wants to be my couch...wouldn't that be awesome if couches picked out their owners?!

To inform you lovelies who are hopefully reading my blog...otherwise it would be like I am talking to myself and have the "Gollum and Smeagol" effect...about a few of my favorite things and the impact they can have on a space, I have prepared a top 3 list (minus VINTAGE). deep breath...
1. fabric wallpaper
2. fresh flowers
3. pretty things (accessories)

these are a few examples of fabric wallpaper!
The first two were done by Sarah Richardson on her FLN show Sarah's House.
The thing I love best about this idea is, and I don't know about you, but I always feel restricted by the wallpaper selection  (that or I just don't know the right places to go). This is an option that allows you to use your favorite patterns and more fun and unique patterns at that to personalize a room. All you have to do is use fabric adhesive to make it stick. Easy peasy lemon squeasy..

check it, son!
Fresh flowers.
1. they smell pretty
2. they bring the "fresh air" inside
3. they are soft and pleasing to the eye
4. art
Must I keep going?
If you can find practically identical faux flowers that don't scream "I am made of that funky fabric" or "I am plastic and that is why the cat chews on me" then go for it. Cheaper.

Pretty things are, well, pretty!
Especially pretty VINTAGE things.
Pretty things let the oppurtunity for the naked effect to be left in the dust.
All three of these pictures are off of Sarah's House again, and may I just say...she is genius.
The last picture with the crest is my favorite. They found this buried in an antique store out in Canada. Rustic, vintage, and pure character.
The second is just a full view of the room with the crest and the majority of the pieces are vintage which makes me love it even more.
And the first is just very girly and dainty and awesome.

do you recognize it?
This room is done by Domino, and there are loads of pretty things, fresh flowers, and guess's blue.

1 comment:

  1. AHHH! It's the Domino Book blue room! Love it.
