Monday, August 23, 2010

Use your imagination!

No pictures this time, you must instead be amazed and entertained by my awesome blogging skills.
Instead I want to share something with you that I love.

I love when people get creative. When they use things for something that it wasn't originally made to do.
Old doors used as a headboard.
Vintage screen used as a place to display your favorite jewelry.
One of those old school desks that opens and/or folds out as a vanity (just hang a mirror over it)
An old table as a desk.
Empty picture frames arranged as art.
Putting old crystal door knobs on the wall to hang your favorite necklaces or scarves from.

There are so many other options, but these are just a select few that I have seen and fallen for. This also lends to the look of effortless and vintage design.
Oh! I have no problem with going to a thrift store or antique store or flea market to discover some awesome finds, but if you use pieces that have been passed through the family, it is always that more personal and perfecto!

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