Friday, October 8, 2010

J'aime tours de magie!

Meet my hat box (my hypothetical hat box).
He is vintage and his name is..Hat Box.
Today we will be performing a very special magic trick. Hat Box will be helping me with my super tricky talent!
I will draw one picture from Mr. Hat Box and then another. Each picture will be different, but also a perfect match.
Drum roll please?!

This is a match you ask?

Pick me pick me...I know why!!

She likes uniformity, but thrives off of imperfections. Her color palette is neutral, but she loves contrast. A lot. She loves contrast more than her accessories, but when she does use her accessories, they are bold. They blend in, but you can't miss them. She is a girl that takes life as it comes.


  1. You crack me up. What does that French phrase mean?

  2. But you forgot the article, hehe! It should be "j'aime les tours de magie"

    "Bonne journee"
