Sunday, September 26, 2010

Nap time...yes, yes it is.

It really is nap time. I am watching Titanic on tv, but I will probably pass out long before it is over. It's almost like I am a sixty year old woman trapped in a nineteen year old body. I am always craving a nap even though I NEVER (and I mean that when I say it) have time for them, but I make time. Seeing that I am tired, my tiredness is influencing the topic of this post.

So I am kinda interested in becoming a prop stylist. They are those people who make the pictures in the magazines that are all pretty and special. The ones that make us really jealous because our lives aren't as idyllic as the one we are looking at, and we don't understan (no matter how hard we try) why our couch or our cups will never be as perfect as the ones in the picture that the prop stylist staged. Sorry for that really weird and long explaination there.
In my personal opinion, a successful picture is a picture that makes you want to jump on into the scene and make yourself at home.


Who can honestly tell me that they don't want to put on a pair of sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt, curl into a tight ball with your knees to your chest like a little rolly polly, pull the covers up over your shoulders, and slip into a deep sleep for the winter?
I love all the mixed matched covers and pillows and the sheets with little ruffles on them. I love how it is snuggled up in a niche by a window with the burlap-y window shades. It has a very country/ cottage flare to it and I want it. I want this in my house some day. Successful indeed.

Well the ship is about to split in half and chaos is breaking out!
I think I am going to take a nap now...yep. It is a dorm bed (nothing super awesome like the pic above), but it is a bed none the less, and it will do.

Peace out girl scout!

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